Bronze Sharker NFT

Min. Price
In Dollars

The Bronze Shaker is a part of the Bronze board set.

Show that you were with us from the beginning and buy the bronze board and get the full set.

When you have bought the BRONZE board, we will transfer the Checkers, Dice, Shaker, and Double-dice to your wallet address afterward.

The Bronze set will be a board in the future that people will try to get or buy.

With the 100s of different boards that we will make over the next year, the Bronze set will be remembered as the first collection of boards.

The BRONZE Shaker can be sold separately from the Board, but it will be a shame to do it.

Fine art / Graphic artDigital artAvatars3D
Mint Address
Blockchain Type
Creator Royalties5%
Lots (1)
Owners (13)
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